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Is Reddit Safe For Kids Social Media Monitoring

Reddit Monitoring: What Parents Need to Know

The Bark Team  |  September 11, 2017

Reddit Monitoring

What is Reddit?

Parents are asking: What is Reddit? Is Reddit safe for kids? Reddit is a social news aggregation, content rating, and discussion website. Now the 4th most popular website in the U.S., community members can submit content (i.e. submissions) which gets rated and garners replies and/or comments. Content submissions can contain text posts or links.

Is Reddit Safe?

So, now that we know a little more about Reddit, is Reddit safe for kids? Online forums like Reddit, used mostly by adults, can contain adult content. Additionally, the whole idea of Reddit is to upgrade or downgrade comments based on the worth of such comments. This can create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) on having the best comment or submission on the site.

How to Monitor Kids on Reddit?

Sign into Bark today and connect your child's Reddit account. By doing this, you will receive alerts on potential issues without having to log-in to each platform and comb through every message yourself. Let our algorithms do the work for you. If Bark does find a problem, we alert you and will give you recommendations on next best steps. Bark monitors your child’s submissions, comments, and private messages on Reddit. This includes replies to their comments, which come in as private messages.

Bark helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

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