App Reviews


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Is Lemon8 Safe for Kids? A Lemon8 App Review for Parents

⭐   3.0 / 5

Lemon8 is like a mix between Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest.
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Social Media

Is Locket Widget Safe? A Locket Widget App Review for Parents

⭐   4.5 / 5

Kids say it's a safer Snapchat alternative — here's what parents should know.
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Is the Wizz App Safe? A Wizz App Review for Parents

⭐   1.0 / 5

Wizz is a new friend-finding app that is a cause for concern for parents.
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Is Tumblr Safe? A Tumblr App Review for Parents

⭐   2.0 / 5

Tumblr is a place to share interests and art — but parents should know it poses certain dangers.
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Is Kik Safe? A Kik App Review for Parents

⭐   1.0 / 5

One of the most popular messaging apps among kids is Kik Messenger app — but it’s also one of the most dangerous.
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Is Yik Yak Safe? A Yik Yak App Review for Parents

⭐   1.0 / 5

Yik Yak is a recently revived anonymous chatting app that's full of dangers.
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Is the Gas App Safe? A Gas App Review for Parents

⭐   2.0 / 5

The Gas app is a new anonymous Q&A app that parents need to know about.
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Is the Simp App Safe? A Simp App Review for Parents

⭐   2.5 / 5

Simp is an anonymous question-and-answer app that's popular with high schoolers.
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Is Likee Safe? A Likee App Review for Parents

⭐   1.0 / 5

Likee is a video-sharing app similar to TikTok — and much more dangerous.
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