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Company News

Introducing Barkomatic: Your Go-To Guide for Parental Controls

Haley Zapal  |  February 27, 2019

Barkomatic Cartoon

The Bark team is proud to announce the launch of the Barkomatic! This is an interactive website that allows you to enter all of the technology and devices your child interacts with — from apps and games to phones and tablets — and receive all of the parental control instructions in one convenient location. Think of it as a kid-tech themed Buzzfeed quiz, but with results you can actually use.

No more googling “How to restrict Netflix” or chasing down flimsy instruction manuals in junk drawers. With the Barkomatic, you’ll receive an email with a personalized link for only the information you need, whenever you want to access it.

Why We Made the Barkomatic

The Barkomatic has been in the making for a while now, and it was inspired by Bark employees who were struggling with the same problem: with all of the technology that our kids have access to, how do we make everything as safe as possible for them? Locking down phones, computers, TVs, routers — it all gets confusing, and each item is so different.

We also realized that no two families have the same exact tech situations and that there needed to be a one-stop resource for parents. The Barkomatic is an ever-evolving machine, and as technology updates and changes, so will its information.

The Barkomatic Is for Everyone

Before we even began building the Barkomatic, we knew it was going to be free. It’s our way of giving back to the community, much like our Bark for Schools initiative. Regardless of whether someone uses Bark or not, they deserve quick access to all of the information they need to secure their kids’ devices in one easy spot.

So, without further ado, here is the Barkomatic! Have fun, and don’t forget to share it far and wide with fellow parents who could use it.

Bark helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

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