Tech Guides

How To Set Up Fortnite Parental Controls

Fortnite is a brilliant mashup of creative building and third-person shooting action. Fortnite is available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, as well as Windows and Mac. The popular multiplayer version of the game, Battle Royale, has taken the world by storm, with about 80 million people currently enjoy the action-packed adventure.

An internet connection is required to play the game, and when your child plays Fortnite, they can instantly connect with people around the globe. The game is rated “T for Teen” due to some violence (gunfire, explosions, swords, etc.)

Fortnite is a very social game, as kids can play against their friends or players from across the world. YouTube and Twitch gamers have contributed to the game’s popularity by streaming their gameplay and amusing antics. The most popular gaming mode, Battle Royale, also happens to be free (with in-app purchases available).

Is Fortnite Appropriate for Children?

To some parents, the absence of blood in Fortnite makes the game less of a concern than other shooting games. However, the online chat element does open the door to inappropriate language and contact from strangers. Games with chat features generally aren’t recommended for those under age 13, but with parental controls, Fortnite can serve as a great alternative to other, more brutal first-person shooter games.

Fortnite and Twitch

Many kids aren’t just playing the game — they’re watching others play it on Twitch. Twitch is a platform that video game enthusiasts use to livestream themselves playing games like Fortnite. Livestreaming is, by nature, a bit unpredictable. There’s no editing for language or mature content. If your child is using the Twitch platform to watch gamers play Fortnite, be aware of the lack of censorship they’ll encounter.

Fortnite Parental Controls

Both the gaming console and PC versions of Fortnite offer live, unmoderated chat capabilities. Players can opt to use voice chat or type text to the screen. This, unfortunately, exposes kids to the whims of strangers and the high likelihood of obscene language, with people talking into microphones in real time during the game.

How to turn off the voice chat option in the Fortnite

  1. Navigate to the top right corner of the main page.
  2. Select the …  icon.
  3. Select then the gear icon.
  4. Go to the Audio tab at the top of your screen.
  5. Adjust voice chat and other audio features.

How to report another user

If you or your child feel that another player has acted inappropriately, you can select Report Player at the bottom right of the screen at any time.

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