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Is Sendit Safe? A Sendit App Review for Parents

Overall Rating:
⭐ 1.0 / 5

Updated April 21, 2022 | Harmful Apps


Overall Rating: ⭐ 1.0 / 5

Recommended Age: 17 and up

Just when you thought Snapchat couldn’t get any more dangerous for kids, along comes the Sendit app! Sendit is an add-on app for Snapchat that lets users ask questions and get anonymous answers, as well as play augmented reality games. There’s not much more to it than that, but it definitely poses some risks for teens. Let’s dive in.

Harmful Content 😲


Sendit doesn’t work by itself — it’s designed specifically to integrate with Snapchat. This means that all of the existing dangers of Snapchat will be present when using the Sendit app. And, because it adds an anonymous messaging capability to Snapchat, the primary danger becomes bullying. It can be hard enough to deal with bullying on regular social media platforms, but when it’s anonymous, it’s almost impossible to address.

Predation 🚨


You can use the Sendit app to create Snapchat Stories that anyone can respond to if your profile is public. Predators may use these questions to begin chatting with kids, eventually revealing more information as they build a relationship.

Positive Value 💙


The games and augmented reality features of Sendit can be found on other apps which don’t have anonymous messaging, so there’s no real positive value to the app that can’t be found elsewhere more safely.

Privacy 🔒


Because Sendit is essentially an add-on app to Snapchat, it’s not very private — especially if a Snapchat profile uses your full name.

Parental Controls ✅


There are no parental controls for the Sendit app.

So, should my kid download it?

Not until they’re about 17. The Sendit app introduces another dangerous feature (anonymous messaging) into an already dicey social media platform (Snapchat).

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