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Bark for Schools Parent Portal Bark for Schools

Bark for Schools Expands: Introducing the Parent Portal

The Bark Team  |  October 04, 2018

Family Alerts Dashboard

Bark for Schools is proud to announce the all-new Parent Portal (formerly known as the Family Alerts Dashboard). Schools now have the option of enlisting the support of parents in overseeing alerts from school-issued accounts. Bark for Schools helps protect — at no cost! — more than 1,500 school districts, so this new feature is going to be a game-changer for keeping students safer online.

The Parent Portal works with both Clever and PowerSchools to simplify the onboarding process. Schools that use Clever can sync family contact information, removing the need for schools to manually input data. PowerSchool integration — in addition to contact sharing — allows schools to easily incorporate Bark for Schools into their unified information system.

To integrate with Clever, log into your Clever account and install the Bark app. We will then create unique activation links and send them to each parent on behalf of the school. Integrate with PowerSchool by logging in and selecting "Connect your school with Bark through PowerSchool." This will similarly send out activation links.

What Bark for Schools Is Doing

We truly believe our product is without peer, and that its life-saving capabilities are instrumental in protecting students. Our dedication to schools across the country is continually growing. The Parent Portal is the most recent development in our ever-evolving technology and desire to improve.

Bark for Schools is provided at no cost (forever!), so the money schools save from costly tech can then be reinvested directly back into students — where it belongs. 

Why We’re Expanding Alerts to Families

The Parent Portal emerged from many different conversations as we spoke to schools. We learned that it’s important that parents know what their kids are getting into online. Families and schools both benefit from sharing the responsibility of receiving updates about potentially dangerous issues that arise from children’s accounts.

At Bark, we sincerely hope that parents are excited about becoming active partners with their child’s school in the monitoring process. Often, these notifications are time-sensitive and can be imminent threats — the more hands on deck, the safer kids can stay.

Reach Out

Visit to learn more about Bark for Schools. And if you’re a parent, you can send your child's school this video and this case study to show the value of Bark for Schools — and why they should start using this incredible free service.

Bark helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

Family location sharing app conversation